STEM Update #8, NSF, PIs, and shutdowns

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Context: In my role as division director of IIS, I’m sending out a short message to the IIS mailing list on the Second Tuesday Every Month (STEM). Here’s the installment for October 2023.


Hi IIS Community,


If you were been keeping up with the news at the end of last month, you know that the federal government got very close to shutting down. The 45-day agreement that was put into place (known as a “continuing resolution”) expires November 17th. You might have wondered, what happens to NSF in the event of a government shutdown? I definitely did. Here’s what I’ve been able to figure out, but my understanding is that literally everything about this stuff is subject to change. So, think of this as what would have happened in the beginning of this month had a deal not been reached and what might happen next month.



Ideally, this information is only for interesting background reading and it won’t be needed before my next STEM update in December. Oh, wait. Next update should be November 9th, so … never mind. Meanwhile, if you have a topic you’d like me to look into for you, let me know.


Until next time!




P.S. I apologize that the unsubscribe button doesn’t work.